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Commons IO 2.6 - The ultimate Java IO library - An overview of the commons-io-2.6.jar library, its f


How to Download and Use Commons-IO-2.6.jar in Java

If you are a Java developer, you might have encountered the need to perform various operations on files, streams, readers, writers, and other IO-related tasks. However, the standard Java IO API can be cumbersome, verbose, and error-prone. That's why many developers prefer to use a third-party library that simplifies and enhances the IO functionality in Java.

One of the most popular and widely used libraries for IO operations in Java is Commons-IO-2.6.jar, which is part of the Apache Commons project. In this article, we will show you how to download and use this library in your Java projects, and what are the benefits of doing so.

download commons-io-2.6.jar

What is Commons-IO-2.6.jar?

A brief introduction to the Apache Commons IO library and its features

The Apache Commons IO library is a collection of utilities that assist with developing IO functionality in Java. It provides various classes, methods, and interfaces that make working with files, streams, readers, writers, comparators, filters, monitors, serialization, and more much easier and faster.

The library is divided into six main packages:

How to download commons-io-2.6.jar file from Apache Commons IO

Download commons-io-2.6.jar file with Maven dependency

Download commons-io-2.6.jar file with Gradle dependency

Download commons-io-2.6.jar file with Sbt dependency

Download commons-io-2.6.jar file with Ivy dependency

Download commons-io-2.6.jar file with Grape dependency

Download commons-io-2.6.jar file with Buildr dependency

Download commons-io-2.6-javadoc.jar file for documentation

Download commons-io-2.6-sources.jar file for source code

Download commons-io-2.6.pom file for project metadata

What is commons-io-2.6.jar file and what does it do

How to use commons-io-2.6.jar file in Java projects

How to verify the integrity of downloaded commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to update commons-io-2.6.jar file to the latest version

How to fix errors or issues with commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to uninstall or remove commons-io-2.6.jar file from the project

How to compare commons-io-2.6.jar file with other versions of commons-io

How to find the license and terms of use for commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to access the utility classes and methods in commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to work with streams, readers, writers and files using commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to use the comparator implementations for files in commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to use the endian transformation classes in commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to use the filters and filter-based classes in commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to use the input and output stream implementations in commons-io-2.6.jar file

How to use the monitor package for monitoring directories and files in commons-io-2.6.jar file

  • io: This package defines utility classes for working with streams, readers, writers, and files.

  • comparator: This package provides various Comparator implementations for Files.

  • file: This package provides extensions in the realm of java.nio.file.

  • filefilter: This package defines an interface (IOFileFilter) that combines both FileFilter and FilenameFilter.

  • function: This package defines IO-only related functional interfaces for lambda expressions and method references.

  • input: This package provides implementations of input classes, such as InputStream and Reader.

  • input.buffer: This package provides implementations of buffered input classes, such as CircularBufferInputStream and PeekableInputStream.

  • monitor: This package provides a component for monitoring file system events (directory and file create, update, and delete events).

  • output: This package provides implementations of output classes, such as OutputStream and Writer.

  • serialization: This package provides a framework for controlling the deserialization of classes.

The benefits of using Commons -IO-2.6.jar in Java projects

By using Commons-IO-2.6.jar in your Java projects, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Simplicity: The library provides simple and concise methods for common IO tasks, such as copying, deleting, moving, reading, writing, and comparing files and streams.

  • Consistency: The library follows consistent naming conventions, parameter orders, exception handling, and documentation for all its classes and methods.

  • Performance: The library uses efficient algorithms and data structures to optimize the IO operations and reduce the memory and CPU usage.

  • Compatibility: The library supports various file systems, platforms, encodings, and formats. It also works well with other Apache Commons libraries, such as Lang, Collections, and Text.

  • Reliability: The library is well-tested and stable, with a long history of development and maintenance by the Apache Software Foundation.

How to Download Commons-IO-2.6.jar?

The official source of the library and its dependencies

The official source of the Commons-IO-2.6.jar library is the Apache Commons IO website, where you can find the latest release, the source code, the documentation, the issue tracker, and the mailing lists. You can download the library as a JAR file or a ZIP file that contains the JAR file, the source code, the test code, and the documentation.

The Commons-IO-2.6.jar library has no external dependencies, except for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.7 or higher. However, if you want to use some optional features of the library, such as serialization or monitoring, you may need to add some additional dependencies to your project. These dependencies are listed on the website and in the pom.xml file of the library.

The alternative sources of the library and how to verify their integrity

If you cannot access the official website or you prefer to use a different source, you can also find the Commons-IO-2.6.jar library on various online repositories and mirrors. However, you should always verify the integrity of the downloaded files before using them in your project. You can do this by checking the SHA-1 or MD5 checksums of the files against the ones provided on the official website. You can also use digital signatures to verify that the files have not been tampered with or corrupted.

The Maven, Gradle, Sbt, Ivy, Grape, and Buildr scripts to add the library to the project

If you are using a dependency management tool such as Maven, Gradle, Sbt, Ivy, Grape, or Buildr in your project, you can easily add the Commons-IO-2.6.jar library to your project by using the following scripts:


Maven<dependency> <groupId>commons-io</groupId> <artifactId>commons-io</artifactId> <version>2.6</version> </dependency>

Gradleimplementation 'commons-io:commons-io:2.6'

SbtlibraryDependencies += "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "2.6"

Ivy<dependency org="commons-io" name="commons-io" rev="2.6"/>

Grape@Grapes( @Grab(group='commons-io', module='commons-io', version='2.6') )


Alternatively, you can manually add the JAR file to your project's classpath or modulepath.

How to Use Commons-IO-2.6.jar?

The main utility classes and their functions

The Commons-IO-2.6.jar library provides several utility classes that offer static methods for various IO tasks. Some of the most commonly used utility classes are:

  • IOUtils: This class provides methods for copying, closing, reading, writing, and converting streams, readers, writers, and byte arrays.

  • FileUtils: This class provides methods for working with files and directories, such as copying, moving, deleting, reading, writing, comparing, listing, filtering, and monitoring.

  • FilenameUtils: This class provides methods for manipulating file names and paths, such as getting the extension, base name, full path, normalized path, and relative path.

  • FileSystemUtils: This class provides methods for accessing the file system information, such as the free space and the type of the file system.

  • EndianUtils: This class provides methods for swapping the endianness of bytes and primitive types.

  • HexDump: This class provides methods for dumping and loading hexadecimal data to and from streams and files.

  • Charsets: This class provides constants and methods for handling character sets and encodings.

The input and output classes and their examples

The Commons-IO-2.6.jar library also provides various implementations of input and output classes that extend or wrap the standard Java IO classes. These classes offer additional functionality or convenience for working with streams, readers, writers, and files. Some of the most commonly used input and output classes are:

  • TeeInputStream: This class is a proxy stream that copies the input to another output stream as well as to the original output stream.

  • TeeOutputStream: This class is a proxy stream that copies the output to another output stream as well as to the original output stream.

  • CountingInputStream: This class is a proxy stream that counts the number of bytes that have passed through the stream.

  • CountingOutputStream: This class is a proxy stream that counts the number of bytes that have been written to the stream.

  • NullInputStream: This class is an input stream that always returns EOF (-1).

  • NullOutputStream: This class is an output stream that discards all data.

  • ClosedInputStream: This class is an input stream that always throws an IOException when read.

  • ClosedOutputStream: This class is an output stream that always throws an IOException when written.

  • BoundedInputStream: This class is an input stream that limits the number of bytes that can be read from another input stream.

  • BoundedOutputStream: This class is an output stream that limits the number of bytes that can be written to another output stream.

  • ChunkedInputStream: This class is an input stream that reads data in chunks from another input stream.

  • ChunkedOutputStream: This class is an output stream that writes data in chunks to another output stream.

  • ReversedLinesFileReader: This class is a reader that reads lines from a file in reverse order.

  • Tailer: This class is a reader that continuously reads from a file as it grows (similar to the Unix "tail" command).

  • LockableFileWriter: This class is a writer that locks the file while writing to prevent other processes from writing to it.

  • SwappedDataInputStream: This class is a data input stream that reads data in a different endianness than the native one.

  • SwappedDataOutputStream: This class is a data output stream that writes data in a different endianness than the native one.

To use these classes in your code, you need to import them from their respective packages and create instances of them using constructors or factory methods. For example:

// Import the classes import; import; // Create input streams FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); FileOutputStream fos1 = new FileOutputStream("output1.txt"); FileOutputStream fos2 = new FileOutputStream("output2.txt"); // Create a TeeInputStream that copies the input to fos1 TeeInputStream tis = new TeeInputStream(fis, fos1); // Create a TeeOutputStream that copies the output to fos2 TeeOutputStream tos = new TeeOutputStream(fos1, fos2); // Read and write data using the tee streams byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = != -1) tos.write(buffer, 0, len); // Close the streams tis.close(); tos.close();

The file filters and their use cases

The Commons-IO-2.6.jar library also provides various implementations of file filters that can be used to filter files and directories based on various criteria, such as name, size, date, type, content, and more. These filters implement the IOFileFilter interface, which extends both FileFilter and FilenameFilter interfaces. Some of the most commonly used file filters are:

  • NameFileFilter: This filter accepts files that match a specified name or a list of names.

  • PrefixFileFilter: This filter accepts files that start with a specified prefix or a list of prefixes.

  • SuffixFileFilter: This filter accepts files that end with a specified suffix or a list of suffixes.

  • WildcardFileFilter: This filter accepts files that match a specified wildcard or a list of wildcards.

  • RegexFileFilter: This filter accepts files that match a specified regular expression or a list of regular expressions.

  • SizeFileFilter: This filter accepts files that are equal to, greater than, or less than a specified size.

  • AgeFileFilter: This filter accepts files that are newer than, older than, or equal to a specified date.

  • TypeFileFilter: This filter accepts files that are either directories or files.

  • HiddenFileFilter: This filter accepts files that are either hidden or visible.

  • EmptyFileFilter: This filter accepts files that are either empty or not empty.

  • CanReadFileFilter: This filter accepts files that can be read.

  • CanWriteFileFilter: This filter accepts files that can be written.

  • CanExecuteFileFilter: This filter accepts files that can be executed.

  • MagicNumberFileFilter: This filter accepts files that have a specific magic number (a sequence of bytes) at the beginning of the file.

  • CRC32ChecksumFileFilter: This filter accepts files that have a specific CRC32 checksum value.

  • TrueFileFilter: This filter always accepts files.

  • FalseFileFilter: This filter always rejects files.

  • NotFileFilter: This filter negates another file filter.

  • AndFileFilter: This filter performs a logical AND operation on two or more file filters.

  • OrFileFilter: This filter performs a logical OR operation on two or more file filters.

  • XorFileFilter: This filter performs a logical XOR operation on two file filters.

  • ConditionalFileFilter: This filter applies one file filter if another file filter matches, otherwise applies another file filter.

To use these filters in your code, you need to import them from their respective packages and create instances of them using constructors or factory methods. You can then use them with methods that accept FileFilter or FilenameFilter parameters, such as listFiles(), walkFileTree(), iterateFiles(), and filterDirectory(). For example:

// Import the filters import; import; import; // Create a directory File dir = new File("C:/temp"); // Create an age file filter that accepts files older than one hour long oneHourAgo = System.currentTimeMillis() - 60 * 60 * 1000; AgeFileFilter aff = new AgeFileFilter(oneHourAgo); // Create a hidden file filter that accepts hidden files HiddenFileFilter hff = HiddenFileFilter.HIDDEN; // Create an OR file filter that combines the age and hidden filters OrFile Filter off = new OrFileFilter(aff, hff); // List the files in the directory that match the OR file filter File[] files = dir.listFiles(off); // Print the file names for (File file : files) System.out.println(file.getName());


In this article, we have learned how to download and use Commons-IO-2.6.jar in Java. We have seen what is Commons-IO-2.6.jar, what are the benefits of using it, how to download it from various sources and verify its integrity, how to add it to our project using dependency management tools or manually, and how to use its utility classes, input and output classes, and file filters. We have also provided some code examples to demonstrate the usage of the library.

If you are looking for a simple, consistent, performant, compatible, and reliable library for IO operations in Java, you should definitely give Commons-IO-2.6.jar a try. It will save you a lot of time and effort, and make your code more readable and maintainable. You can find more information about the library on its official website, where you can also download the latest release, browse the source code, read the documentation, report issues, and join the community.


What is the minimum Java version required for Commons-IO-2.6.jar?

The minimum Java version required for Commons-IO-2.6.jar is Java 7. However, some features of the library may require higher Java versions, such as Java 8 or Java 9. You can check the compatibility matrix on the website for more details.

How to update Commons-IO-2.6.jar to the latest version?

To update Commons-IO-2.6.jar to the latest version, you can either download the new JAR file from the website or use your dependency management tool to update the version number in your script. You should also check the release notes and the migration guide on the website for any changes or breaking changes that may affect your code.

How to run an application or an applet packaged as a JAR file using Commons-IO-2.6.jar?

To run an application or an applet packaged as a JAR file using Commons-IO-2.6.jar, you need to include the library in your classpath or modulepath when launching the JAR file. For example:

java -cp commons-io-2.6.jar:myapp.jar com.example.MyApp

How to handle exceptions and errors when using Commons-IO-2.6.jar?

When using Commons-IO-2.6.jar, you may encounter various exceptions and errors that indicate something went wrong with the IO operations. Some of the common exceptions and errors are:

  • IOException: This is a general exception that indicates an IO failure or interruption.

  • FileNotFoundException: This is a subclass of IOException that indicates that a file or directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.

  • EOFException: This is a subclass of IOException that indicates that the end of a stream has been reached unexpectedly.

  • UnsupportedEncodingException: This is a subclass of IOException that indicates that a character encoding is not supported.

  • MalformedInputException: This is a subclass of IOException that indicates that an input stream does not conform to an expected format.

  • CRC32ChecksumException: This is a subclass of IOException that indicates that a CRC32 checksum does not match.

  • Error: This is a general error that indicates a serious problem that cannot be handled by the application.

  • NoClassDefFoundError: This is a subclass of Error that indicates that a class definition cannot be found.

  • NoSuchMethodError: This is a subclass of Error that indicates that a method definition cannot be found.

  • IncompatibleClassChangeError: This is a subclass of Error that indicates that an incompatible class change has occurred.

To handle these exceptions and errors, you should use appropriate try-catch-finally blocks in your code, and perform necessary actions such as logging, retrying, recovering, or notifying the user. You should also follow the best practices for exception handling in Java, such as: - Use specific exception classes for different types of errors . - Catch exceptions at the appropriate level of abstraction . - Log and handle exceptions in a consistent and informative manner . - Avoid empty catch blocks and swallowing exceptions . - Propagate exceptions up the call stack when appropriate . - Use finally blocks for cleanup and resource management . - Use a global exception handler . - Don't close resources manually . - Don't log and rethrow. - Check for suppressed exceptions. - Explicitly define exceptions in the throws clause. - Throw early and handle exceptions late. By following these best practices, you can improve the quality, reliability, and maintainability of your code, and avoid common pitfalls and bugs when dealing with exceptions in Java. 44f88ac181

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